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Virtual Youth Summit – Leading Amidst Pandemic: Young Leaders Stories

The Rising Youth (TRY), Virlanie’s young adult group together with the help of Empower organized a Virtual Youth Summit entitled “Leading Admidst Pandemic: Young Leaders Stories” last February 26, 2022.

The Virtual Youth Summit’s objective was to hear the voices of the youths from various organizations share their roles, experiences, and coping mechanisms as young leaders especially during this time of pandemic. This also served as an avenue for youth leaders to interact with one another, enable oneself to develop self-esteem, and provide awareness on how to maintain positive mental health with one another.

The summit started with a video presentation of TRY.  This was followed by a prayer, national anthem, and opening remarks from Virlanie’s President – Ms. Cynthia Huet. Then, it proceeds to the invited guest
speakers and their topic discussed as follows:

1. Ms. Francine Dela Cruz – Conquer: Lead Through an Era of Change

2. Dr. Richelle Verdeprado-Mangga – Youth Political Participation and Creating Impact in the Community

3. Mr. Alivn Belen – A Psychological Perspective
Each speaker was given time for the question-and-answer portion. The program ended with the closing remarks from Virlanie’s Executive Director, Ms. Arlyne A. Fernandez.

The virtual event was successful, a total of 130 (110 children and youth, and 20 adult support and 9 external organization both from Local Government and Private Agencies) participants attended.

TRY is Virlanie’s youth-led organization composed of young adults from Community, Street, and Residential pillars. It aims to provide venue for the young adults to develop and apply leadership skills, learn camaraderie, and share acquired knowledge to other children and young adults. The mission of these children is to become responsible young adults that give back by sharing their talents and skills for a better future.