Last August 27, 2020, Thursday, Virlanie’s Street Pillar Team has conducted another tranche of relief good distribution for the beneficiaries of Virlanie in Aroma and Delpan in Tondo, Manila; and the beneficiaries in Metropolitan area in Makati.
105 beneficiaries lined up for the claiming of relief goods consisting of rice and canned goods. The Street Pillar team also handed Educational Modules that will be helpful to prepare the children for the incoming school year which will be introduced in blended learning. The Modules were prepared by licensed teachers who are dedicated for Virlanie’s Street Programs.
No Longer Invisible to the System
In the Philippines, an alarming number of 3 million children have no birth certificate. This is 40% of the 7.5 million Filipinos who are unregistered (CRN).
a birth certificate is essential in gaining access to different services offered by the government. This is also one of the primary documents that are needed for a child to properly exercise his/her rights.
In poverty-stricken and slum communities, obtaining a birth certificate is challenging for some, as they said, they prioritize the daily needs like foods to survive, as filing for a late registry for obtaining a birth certificate would be costly. Just like in the situation of Tim.
Tim is a 9-year old kid who is an incoming Grade 3 student, and who just acquired his birth certificate.
“After we enrolled him in Grade 1, the school required his birth certificate, and I told them that we are still waiting for the paper works that is being handled by the midwife. We paid to help us fix the documents, but after almost 2 years of going back and forth, she just returned the money that we paid. Two years lost, and my son still do not have his birth certificate.” Said Tim’ mom.
“Were so thankful that there’s a Foundation like Virlanie who helped us in obtaining the birth certificate that we’re long waiting for.,” Maria, Tim’s mother said. “You are no longer alien, anak,” she teased. (Anak is a Filipino term for a child.)
Here is another story of a child who just obtained her Birth Certificate. Maggie, a 9-year old girl encountered difficulties in her studies because she doesn’t have a Birth certificate. “She has to stop her studies because of the lack of Birth Certificate. It is difficult because it is really a school requirement. Maggie is still in Grade 1 and this is the third time that she’ll be enrolled in that level because every time the school is asking for the Birth Certificate, we cannot provide it, so she has to stop (her studies),” said Maggie’s mother, Janet. “Virlanie’s role is very vital, as I know I cannot fix this without their help. So, thank you very much,” she added.
“Birth Certificate is the biggest barrier why a child can’t exercise his/her right and obtaining a Birth Certificate is the first thing that we have to focus on,” Said Gilbert, Outreach Street Social Worker.
Awarding of Certificates from AHA! Learning Center
Virlanie, in Partnership with AHA! Learning Center has made learning still possible despite the pandemic.
AHA! Learning Center, a project of Commodore Jose Francisco Foundation, serves public schools and communities with its free after-school programs that target children from grades 1 to 10. AHA continues its mission in times of COVID through its project Eskwelang Pamilya.
Participating children in Delpan and Metropolitan area were awarded with Certificate of Participation, and some received special awards. They accepted their certificates with smiles on their faces.
A Social Worker’s Fulfillment
It has been a fulfilling day for the Street Pillar team. Not only because they have accomplished a lot of things, but because of the smiles that they have seen on the faces of the beneficiaries.
Kudos to the Social Workers and Street Educators who were also hailed as heroes for being front liners during the pandemic.
Going through dark and narrow alleys, standing under the sun for long hours, walking untiringly, eating inside the vehicle to save time and accomplish other tasks, and knowing the risk brought by the pandemic but still answering the call just to reach those who are in need.
These are all made possible by the supporters and partners who continuously help in supporting our cause. Join us in action! Your support will be a great vote of confidence in our mission!
Give 2 Achieve
Give 2 Achieve is an annual education campaign organized by Virlanie Foundation, Inc.
With your support to Give2Achieve, you are allowing street children to achieve knowledge, skills and attitude they need to become responsible and independent adults in the future. You GIVE them the means to ACHIEVE an equal footing with other children.
Here are the ways you could help:
With solidarity, we can imagine a hopeful future ahead. Together, let us bring back the smile to the street children!