The Young Adults Program of Virlanie accompany the youth to draw its future, choose what they want and give them cards on their hands to become independent.
Established in 2001, it ensures that the young adults are ready to leave the foundation and are prepared for what awaits them in the independent world. The program provides them with the tools to become responsible and active. It focuses on the areas of personality development, career planning, and job search.
Virlanie Foundation assists them in their flight towards a complete professional and social autonomy.
In the past few months, the young adults of the Foundation had a busy schedule. Yang Obrero, the YAP Coordinator, and FaidahCayongcat, Weaning Home and LIFE Program Coordinator, have done efforts to engage the youth in multiple activities for empowerment and to involve them as well in giving back the smiles to street children. However, they are not being spoon fed. They must also be proactive, make some propositions, and organize themselves to carry out their responsibilities.
An engine of this program is the strength of the group. Our adolescents grew up together so they can help and rely on each other as members of one family. Moreover, the age group dynamics also leads to positive emulation and greater involvement among themselves.
A summer camp for Bicolanos
Three young adults of the foundation helped organize a summer camp with twenty children at the province of Sorsogon in the Bicol Region last April 22-28, 2014. They created and facilitated activities for the children with the aim of fostering camaraderie and honing their potentials.
Gio*, one of the organizers shared, “It was fantastic! The kids were great, they liked to participate in our activities and they loved to play. We enjoyed going to Bicol. It was our first time to be out of Manila. There were really great food and the air was fresh.”
Special Program for the Employment of Students – SPES
Ten young adults were part of a vocational training offered by the Makati City Government called the Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES). For a month, they worked with VFI in its different departments and programs. Some worked at the communication and finance departments while others were assigned to external programs such as the Mobile Unit and the Open Day Center. They also went to the Reception and Action Center of Manila for an outreach activity.
Ceska* said, “We loved our day at RAC. This was our first time for some of us. We played basketball, badminton and organized a drawing competition on the theme of their dreams. We learned how to love what you are doing, in any situation. Kuya Gwen, the former coordinator of the RAC, came every day in this difficult area. He loved those children who are sick, dirty or frowned upon by society. It was not easy but he did it for a year and learned to really love what he did. It was inspiring for us.”
2014 YAP Summer Camp
On May 30-June 1, 2014, the young adults of Virlanie held its annual summer camp at El Madero Farm and Resort in Lipa, Batangas. The camp had the theme, “I Can, We Can” and aimed to strengthen group ties and develop the young adults’ individual and collective dynamics. Several team-building activities were done to foster team spirit and to improve their self-esteem.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ricky Clores, a psychology professor from the De La Salle University-Manila, made a talk about transitioning into adulthood which made clear expectations and processes involved in the teenage life.
The revival of YAO
On June 29, the Young Adults Organization has been finally revived through the elections of 16 young adults into different positions with respective responsibilities. YAO has the major positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Secretary Assistant.
Three committees have also been formed with specific tasks: the public relations and communications group will speak at events, organize them, send invitations, and will be in connection with municipal/barangay officials; the property management group is in-charge of inventory and logistics; the accounting group will manage the budget and allocation of funds in the YAO; and the Income-Generating Project (IGP) group will take care of all fundraising efforts.
Proud YAP graduates
Five young adults of YAP have come to the peak of their YAP training as they proudly graduate from the program last June 28, 2014. On the other hand, eight have successfully been promoted to the advanced level of the program which is the final step to the completion of the YAP training.
Getting techie with I.T.
Our young adults are becoming more acquainted to information technology. Aside from their weekly computer classes, Google Philippines employees have also conducted a one day seminar-workshop on internet use and productivity. The young adults got to learn on the other uses of the internet aside from social media.
They learned about Google services like maps, translation, and email.
*Not their real names