As we celebrated the International Day of Families last May 15, we would like to honor the house parents who dedicated their time to take care of the Virlanie kids.
The International Day of Families was a response to changing social and economic structures, which have affected and still affect the structure and stability of family units in many regions of the globe. (timeanddate.com)
Get to know Mama Lac and Papa Ricky, a very loving couple who takes care of the Masaya Home kids.
Mama Lac has been serving the children for almost 25 years, while papa Ricky has been with Virlanie for 10 years.
“As a houseparent, our role is to attend to the children’s needs. Showing and letting them feel that they are valuable, we are the parents who give love and care.” Said, Mama Lac.
“It is important to let them feel the love of a real father so that they will feel comfortable in going to me whenever they have problems. The love that we give to our biological children is the same love that we give to the (Virlanie) children.” Said, Papa Ricky.
When asked what made them stay for that long, and the thing that they loved most about their job, they said that helping the children in need made them stay and they are not thinking that it is a job, rather, they think of the children as part of their family. They don’t see taking care of the Virlanie children as an obligation, but instead, they are here to let the children feel the love, care, and show them that they are there to guide them and teach them how to show respect, love, and to value one another.
“The children have different personalities and behaviors, it became quite a challenge, but I see this as a mission. We try to fill the needs of the kids, especially where their parents failed to.
I am glad that the children remember my bible sharing, and it would not equate to anything.”
“The best values that we taught them, first they must respect everyone, give value, always be polite, and have faith in God. I always remind them these values, as these will be necessary for them to achieve their goals.” Said, Papa Ricky.
When asked about the most memorable experience that they had with the kids, Mama Lac recounted the times when the children show appreciation to them by never failing to write heartfelt letters every Mother’s Day and genuinely caring whenever they are feeling unwell.
“To the children that we previously took care of, continue pursuing your dreams, and never forget the values that we taught you. Respect others, be polite, and have faith in God. You will carry these values as you start to have your own families, and pass these on to your children.” Papa Ricky to the previous beneficiaries who are already reintegrated.
“To our children in Masaya Home, let us help one another. We can feel your love for us, and you can expect that we will reciprocate the love that you give. Continue pursuing your dreams, Virlanie, mama, and papa are here to guide and help you. You may not understand the things that we tell you now, but one day, when you grow up, you will remember us. That we are telling these things because we love you.” Teary-eyed Mama Lac’s message to the children they are taking care of.
“To our biological children, we will do anything for you. You know how much we love you all. Thank you for being understanding with this mission that we have for the Virlanie children.”
“Trials will come, but we can surpass them. As I always say, problems will not stay, they will come to pass. Let us keep our faith in God. It is only through Him that our bond will be made stronger.” Papa Ricky’s message to Mama Lac which obviously sent butterflies to her stomach.
They also left a piece of advice for the new couples who consider to start a family. “Understanding one another is very important. Widen your understanding and practice give-and-take in your relationship. Trials and marital problems will be inevitably encountered, but don’t make it last. Talk about it as these problems will strengthen your relationship.”
Truly, this couple is admirable, and they serve as parent figures to the Residential Home kids who equally express their love to them.
Watch this short interview with Mama Lac and Papa Ricky:
We are grateful to all the houseparents and staff who dedicated their lives to take care of the children in need.
Virlanie’s Residential Homes give children a family-oriented environment that fosters a sense of belonging, identity, and origin.
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