Last May 12, 2020, Virlanie Elizabeth Home for young girls took part in an in-house slogan and poster making contest in line with the current situation on COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Ma. Cristina Combo, Virlanie Family Reunification Program Coordinator organized the said activity. The goal of the activity is to raise awareness about COVID-19 and to provide further knowledge on the importance of staying at home. This activity also aims to make the girls active and productive during the quarantine period, and to prevent loneliness and boredom at home.
“The activities organized for the youth are helpful for them to get to know each other even more and make them united as one family amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Riza Berdin, Elizabeth Home social worker. “With this activity, our children had the chance to pay tribute and give thanks to our essential workers who untiringly provide their expertise, and service to those who are affected by the virus,” she added.
The young girls of Elizabeth Home were grouped in two. As a group, they brainstormed their theme and expressed their thoughts creatively through Arts. In this activity, the beneficiaries learned the value of camaraderie. And that in any trials, we can surpass all life’s obstacles by working together, showing compassion to each other, and through faith. It also gave them additional knowledge of the new normal protocols and preventive measures which are proper handwashing; using of facemasks; and practice self-isolation whenever they get sick. They were also practicing good hygiene and were making their surroundings clean.
These are the some of the works of the young girls of Elizabeth Home:
The Virlanie Essential Workers
For the past two months, Virlanie social workers have been actively working in the Solidarity Against COVID-19 campaign for street communities and children, to give support to the beneficiaries by distributing food packs and hygiene kits. It was made possible through the help of our sponsors, donors, and partner organizations. As of May 18, 2020, the campaign has raised 5.4 Million worth of monetary donations to support the needs of the affected communities. 3,000 families, including children benefited from this campaign.
We also highly acknowledge our Residential Staff who are tirelessly taking care of the children in Virlanie homes. Activities like the Slogan and Poster Making contest will never be possible without their help.
Papa Noel Borja, Virlanie’s company driver is among the essential workers during this time. According to him, he has no choice but to work straight to give support to Virlanie’s activities and daily operations, and of course to transport employees to and from work. Since the quarantine started, transportation services were put on suspension. You can check Papa Noel’s full testimonial on this video.
You can still show your support to the street communities and children affected by Enhanced Community Quarantine through the following methods: