Last September 29, 2020, Pfizer Philippines Foundation, Inc. expressed their support to Virlanie’s Give 2 Achieve campaign by giving away 650K worth of laptops in support to Virlanie children’s distance and blended learning education. This initiative can benefit 130 number of children to continue their studies despite the presence of a pandemic.
About Pfizer Philippines Foundation, Inc. (PPFI)
Founded in 1997, the Pfizer Philippines Foundation, Inc. (PPFI) is a non-profit organization that supports charitable activities on improving health capacities, education and awareness for the lives of Filipino citizens through partnership buildings with other non-government organizations and civic welfare groups.
What is Pfizer Philippines Foundation stand on Inclusive Education for children?
“One of the core values of Pfizer is EQUITY, where we believe that everyone deserves the right to be seen, heard, and cared for, and we try to uphold this value to our work in the Foundation. In terms of education, we believe that every child deserves access to quality education, especially in this time of the pandemic,” says Anna Mayor, PPFI Program Officer.
Donating laptops is a very big, and bold move especially in these times of pandemic. What is the story behind this laptop donations?
“The idea of donating laptops was actually suggested by one of our colleagues, since Pfizer has a lot of spare laptops that were previously used for work purposes and are just left at the office unused. And as we all know, the students are among the most affected during this challenging time because of the sudden shift to distance learning. With the help of Pfizer’s Digital and Corporate Affairs teams, we were able to secure 130 laptops, which we know can go a long way in helping children in the coming academic year.” She added.
What is Pfizer Philippines’ wish for all Filipino children?
“Our hope is for Filipino children to remain hopeful and optimistic for the future. We know that the future might seem bleak at the moment but having a positive outlook can really help them achieve their goals regardless of the challenges they encounter.” Anna said.
Readiness of Schools in the Philippines
It was announced last August, that school openings are moved to October 5 in order to give educational institutions ample time to prepare for the online and blended learning education to students. During that time, according to the study from DEPED, there are 23.2 million students enrolled in both public and private schools.
The Virlanie Give 2 Achieve Campaign
Through the efforts of our donors and sponsors like Pfizer Philippines, we are proud that our goals in our Give 2 Achieve campaign are heard. Many have acknowledged the call for inclusive education in the country as there are millions of learners are affected by this pandemic. Their right to have quality education was endangered.
Despite the things needed to be done, we are still here to express the importance of having an inclusive education policy that will support our learners in the long run. You can still support the inclusive education causes any time through donation, sponsorship or fundraise for a particular educational support for children.