



Kalinga Series : Meet Chona

Chona is already 13 years old; her birthday is in August. Since 2010, she has resided at Virlanie’s Babies and Toddlers Home. She arrived at the Virlanie Foundation as a baby. Chona is a little girl who suffers from Spastic type of Cerebral Palsy with seizure disorder, severe to profound hearing loss on both ears and astigmatism. With this, she is required for continuous special treatment to live.

Chona’s caregiver startedIn her case financial support is really needed to provide for her maintenance medicines and the medical equipment. Regular consultation with the child neurologist and Pulmonologist is a must to monitor her medical condition. One on-one care with a caregiver is needed and constant monitoring of the in-house nurse to provide her daily needs as well as timely medical intervention.”

Children’s laughter echoes in the background. Chona is lying in bed surrounded by Hello Kitty pillows. The pastel-colored decorations soften the clinical vibe. There is a radio in the small bedroom, and she is listening to music. Every day, it is the same routine for Chona: being fed by an infusion tube inserted directly into the stomach and nasal & throat suctioning, and being cleaned daily by caregivers. During the exam, Chona seemed peaceful and relaxed with her caregiver. It is a true relationship of trust between the caregiver and Chona.  

Let’s help Chona by supporting our Operation Kalinga Campaign!  


In a 2018 study, PhilHealth estimates that one out of seven or around 5.1 million Filipino children are living with disabilities.  Chona is one of them. The Philippine Pediatric Society registry shows that there are 2,993 cases of unspecified cerebral palsy cases and yet there is little information on the prevalence of disabilities among Filipino children. 

Virlanie’s Operation Kalinga (O.K.) Campaign aims to address the basic needs, health difficulties and other needs of Virlanie’s beneficiaries.  


These children deserve access to basic health and nutrition, as well as psycho-social services. With your active participation and support, we can make it possible for them by providing: 

1. Pre-emptive care – A healthy diet and environment 

2. Health maintenance – Regular dental and medical check-up as well as psychological sessions for mental health 

3. Emergency Medical Response – for urgent health concerns 

The campaign extension will also give opportunities for sustainable philanthropic efforts that can sustain our programs and other wellness projects.