



Destination to a new life: Virlanie child gets adopted

Within the Foundation, everyday is a story of tears, smiles and joy. Last August, a new story of hope unfolded at the Babies and Toddlers Home as one of our children has been adopted.

Four-year old RodelynGeneroso has finally met her new adoptive parents, Mr. Giacomo and Mrs. Sonia Basile from Italy. In the entrustment ceremony, a short video of Rodelyn’s journey through Virlanie was shown. Joined by the Social Worker Cluster 1 Supervisor, Social Services Manager and the BTH staff and children, that day was filled with emotions of sadness and joy.

Taking her roots

On March 2010, a young woman, exhausted and helpless, arrived at the Reception and Action Center (RAC) Manila. She was holding in her arms a four-month baby who was Rodelyn. Her mother seemed restless and hopeless. Eventually, they were welcomed to Virlanie on the 20th of March that year and were admitted to the Mother and Child Home, now the BTH. Destitute and incapable of taking care of her child, the young mother left and made the child under the custody of the Foundation.

The Foundation decided to move her to the Nursery, where she will be surrounded by babies and supported by a dedicated team, thus growing away from the dangers of the streets.

At one year old, Rodelyn seemed silent and isolates herself from other children. Pediatricians then found out that she has a slight delay in the normal child development. The caregivers, nurses, and social workers were taking turns to watch after the child. The team surrounded her with utmost care and affection. Eventually, as if waking from a long sleep, Rodelyn finally moved out of isolation and silence. She opened herself to the world.

At two, she left the Nursery to join the Toddlers room where she became more friendly. It was also the time for her to go to school for the first time at the Magellan Learning Center. Rodelyn discovered a taste for education and put her heart in learning to read, write and sing. These discoveries also allowed her to gain more confidence.

The adoption process

In 2013, the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has agreed that the child can be adopted. The department-in-charge of adoptions registered her on local and national adoption lists. However, the criteria of families do not match those of the child. The case has then been passed into the hands of the Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) that decided to open her case abroad.

In April, the Foundation received a letter from ICAB, the letter that will change the course of the life of Rodelyn. A couple living in Europe has accepted the child and would like to meet her, get to know her and play with her. Mr. and Mrs. Basile would love to call Rodelyn their legally adopted child and for Rodelyn to call them “Dad” and “Mom.”

Virlanie would like to wish all the best for Rodelyn and for her new parents. May you live a fruitful and meaningful life in the arms of each other and continue to share the love and care that Virlanie provides for children in need of special protection.

Within the Foundation, everyday is a story of tears, smiles and joy. Last August, a new story of hope unfolded at the Babies and Toddlers Home as one of our children has been adopted.