



Black Tie, Black Eye affair event raised funds to help Virlanie children

Virlanie Foundation, Inc. was honored during the last Black Tie, Black Eye affair event, which took place Saturday 29th April, in the Shangri-La at the Fort, BGC. During the party, an estimated of six hundred fifty thousand (Php650,000) pesos has been collected. This money will be handed out for our Operation Kalinga Campaign and to our other different programs.  

The Black Tie, Black Eye affair is the Philippines’ premiere white collar charity boxing, which is composed of amateur boxers who are C-suite executives, celebrities, and overseas businesspeople based here in the Philippines.

Around 600 hundred people were present for this charity event. The life  auction  have been fortunate to  gain access to some of the best holidays, arts pieces as soccers jerseys from the most popular soccers players and experiences from all over the world, which have been sold to the charitable visitors for the benefit of the Virlanie Foundation, Inc. 

This is the second time for this charity event to support. The first held was last August in 2019 before the Covid19. This event enables Virlanie to continue its missions with its beneficiaries through residential, street and community programs. Our efforts are focused on more sustainable programs for marginalized families to prevent the cycle of inter-generational poverty.

Fighting for a good cause


Volunteering to join a boxing fight for a charity event is a source of fulfillment and satisfaction. Knowing that you have contributed to a worthwhile cause and helped to make a difference in the lives of others can be a deeply rewarding experience. It is an excellent opportunity to support a worthy cause, develop new skills, meet new people, and experience personal growth and fulfillment, which could also be a perfect good example for the orphans of Virlanie.’’  explain Ann, aka Ms. Annoying, who fight during the event.



Joe, a combatant at the Black Tie, Black Eye event, believes that it is necessary to battle for Virlaniebecause leading by example is important, and nothing comes without a fighting spirit. Anything donated to aid someone less fortunate than myself gives me hope, belief, and something to fight for when I’ve felt forgotten.” 



Before the event, the fighters made a visit to Masaya’s home on March 25. We witnessed the signing of a Black Tie and Virlanie MOA. They gave the child numerous fighting tips. A shared experience that every youngster values

To know more about the Black Tie, Black Eye affair event : 

https://blacktieblackeye.com/ and https://web.facebook.com/TheBlackTieBlackEyeAffair