The COVID-19 sanitary crisis has left the whole world in a state of disarray and confusion. This situation is especially hard on the children as they might not completely grasp the complexity of the current events. It is up to the parents and caretakers to guide and reassure the children during those difficult times. They can be put under a great amount of pressure both mentally and physically as parents have to sometimes juggle with work, chores and child-caring.
Inspired by the World Health Organization recommendations, we at Virlanie would like to provide some coping advice for families with children living at home during this quarantine period.
1. Talk about COVID-19
Read them the story specially designed by the World Health Organisation, developed for and by children around the world to help them understand in a wholesome way the current situation we are living in.
2. Structure your days and plan a daily routine
3. Keep it light and positive
4. Redirect bad behavior
5. Take it easy and don’t forget to take a break