



World Social Work Day celebrated in Virlanie

In celebration of this year’s World Social Work Day (WSWD), Virlanie Foundation Inc., conducted an event for the Foundation’s social workers last March 15.

During the event, the Foundation highlighted the work of the social workers. They also received recognition for their contribution to the society. They were asked to share their experiences as social workers. One Virlanie social worker shared, “I should take pride in who we are – as a person of dignity, and worthy of respect as a person and our profession. In every step of the way, we need to make sure that we are treated with respect by colleagues and those with whom we work and we give the same amount of respect and dignity to all the people we give our service to – for they are also people of dignity and worthy of respect – however challenging their circumstances are today.”

WSWD is an annual occasion held every March 17th globally, initiated by The International Federation of Social Workers, The International Association of Schools of Social Work and The International Council on Social Welfare. The three organizations work together to influence international, regional and local policies, government actions towards promoting the value and contributions of social workers.


This year’s theme ‘Promoting the Dignity and Worth of Peoples,’ relates to the second pillar of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development is a global movement launched by over 3,000 Social Work Practitioners, Educators, and Development Workers in Hong Kong in June 2010.


The four pillars of the Agenda are:


1. Promoting social and economic equalities

2. Promoting the dignity and worth of peoples

3. Working toward environmental sustainability

4. Strengthening recognition of the importance of human relationships