Team PhaSol 2015 is Johanna, Laura, Lucile, Margaux, and Thibault, five students of Chatenay-Malabry (Paris XI) who spent a month in Virlanie. Johanna and Thibault volunteered at the Babies and Toddlers Home (BTH). Lucile was assigned to Aime Home, the home for children with special needs. Margaux and Laura were assigned to Elizabeth Home, the home for the teenaged girls of Virlanie. Laura also provided support for the students in Magellan Learning Center.
In addition to their activities in the homes, they held sessions about personal hygiene, mosquitoes, and diseases such as scabies or dengue in Masaya, Tanglaw, BTH, and Marco Polo Care Center (MPCC).
But that’s not all. Johanna, Laura, Lucile, Margaux, and Thibault were able to save some money in France from scholarships, the support of private foundations, the General Council of 92, crowdfunding (online jackpot), and through odd jobs (selling cakes, bagging in supermarkets, etc.). This money helped them fund their humanitarian trip, their activities in the residential homes, as well as the children’s outings to the zoo, the pool, and the theater. In addition, they were able to buy equipment for Virlanie’s residential homes and the various support programs of the Foundation (school supplies, medicines, fans, etc.).
Virlanie Foundation thanks Johanna, Laura, Lucile, Margaux, and Thibault for their commitment and their motivation. Virlanie wishes you well in all your future endeavors!
Photos from: PhaSol