



Virlanie-ENGIE Foundation partnership gives hope to children

Lyka, 6, was surrendered by her deaf-mute mother in Virlanie when she was just a week old. Because her mother didn’t receive proper nutrition during her pregnancy, Lyka suffered from developmental delays. She was malnourished as a baby and when she grew up, she was observed to have a learning disability called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Lyka is among the 24 children supported by ENGIE Foundation from June 2017 to May 2018. She lives at one of Virlanie’s Homes, Marco Polo Care Center (MPCC), a home for children aged 4-6 years old who have been abandoned, abused, exploited, neglected, orphaned or those among the poorest of the poor.


Through the help of supporters like ENGIE Foundation, each child is given a new beginning in a caring home where they can feel secured, loved, and taken care of. Virlanie and ENGIE Foundation mutually believe that this is the first step for every child’s holistic development.


Providing holistic development at MPCC


During the children’s stay at Virlanie, a multidisciplinary team ensures that they are given the opportunities and specialized care that they need. Among the services offered to the children are adequate and proper medical interventions. All children were given pertinent vaccinations and immunizations as well as monthly check-up. Children also have psychological sessions to address their mental and emotional health issues.


In addition, all children were enrolled at the Magellan Learning Center (MLC) preschool education program where they are being prepared to go to primary school. This is where they learn basic literacy skills, so they can cope up with other children of their age. They were also enrolled in the day care center. With continuous support from their house parents and MLC teachers, they performed well in their respective schools.

The house parents also consistently teach basic life skills to children such as proper hygiene and basic household chores.

During their entire stay in MPCC, the Virlanie’s social workers handle their cases and monitor their needs. They are also assessed whether they can be reunified with their families. If it is not possible, they will either be put up for adoption, placed in a foster family or stay in MPCC (and move to other Virlanie Homes once they grow older) for long-term care.

Special thanks to Engie Foundation

“I want to teach other children,” Lyka said.

Lyka dreams of becoming a teacher. The value of helping others has been inculcated to her by her house parents. While her past has been difficult, she has grown to be a hopeful and cheerful child. With the help of organizations like ENGIE Foundation, MPCC continues to take care of children with big but selfless dreams like Lyka.

Lyka, along with her other MPCC siblings, is being empowered with education, caring shelter, healthcare, life skills and most importantly, love that they need to conquer whatever challenge that lies ahead.