



Virlanie children finish day care education

Eight Virlanie children just finished their first step in formal education as they graduated from La Paz Day Care Center last March 13, 2018. Asher, Michaella, Laurel, Oliver, Anna May, Bonnie, and Connor who came from Marco Polo Care Center (MPCC) along with Daniel from Masaya Home all attended the commencement exercise.


According to Social Worker May Frances Micor, these children have improved a lot in terms of writing the alphabet and even just their own names. Children songs that they have learned in school were also great help in enhancing their vocabulary. Moreover, they have also developed a discipline inside the classroom where they listen more now whenever the teacher or someone else is speaking.


In addition, after finishing Day Care, these Virlanie children are qualified to enter the Kinder Program in La Paz Elementary School. However, one problem in acquiring these children higher level of education is that some of them do not have birth certificates and are not acknowledged by the National Statistics Office. This is mostly because some of these children have illiterate biological parents who were not able to process such documents after child birth. Fortunately, since these children are under the custody of Virlanie Foundation now, social workers are doing their best to work on the processing of documents like their birth certificate


Those who have the required documents will start their kinder program in La Paz Elementary School this coming June 2018.


*Children’s names were altered for their own protection.