The Young Adults Program (YAP) of Virlanie foundation launched a talk Celebrating Inspiration Life Appreciation and Wisdom or I.L.A.W., on July 2014. Ms. Yang Obrero the coordinator of Y.A.P. gave the acronym and challenged the young adults to come up with the meaning behind ILAW. The ILAW’s agenda is to help the young adults to build up more motivation and inspiration of the young adults of Virlanie foundation.
Last August 16, 2014 there was a talk held in the Drop-in center of VirlanieFoundation. Ms. Yang invited two speakers from Google Philippines Mr. JemmCellan and Mr. Melvin Noche to talk about their own motivational story to the Y.A.P. the talk was to help the young adults to strive for their dreams and not think small of them.
Mr. Melvin Noche is a University of the Philippines valedictorian graduate and had an offer of scholarship from Cambridge. Mr. Noche talked about that like him he wasn’t also good in mathematics but he preserve to get where he is now. He to persistence in doing his work He connected his life to a plant that “a plant will not grow if you do not take care of it”. While Mr. JemmCellan talked about how he tried to change for the better. He also talked about his Fraternity Life, how he tried to move past that phase and change, eventually having a girlfriend motivated him to end his fraternity life. The Fraternity topic was very relatable for the Young adults, because some of them are joining fraternity due to peer pressure. It is a common problem that the social workers and Ms. Yang is dealing with and making them stop.
They ended the talk by processing the information that they heard. There was a discussion on what happened and what they learned from Mr. Noche and Mr. Cellan. Some of the young adults shared their dreams and insights about what the felt.