



Independent Living Program (ILP): Introducing Life Skills Series

Because you desire to see children have better and brighter futures, Virlanie Foundation – through your support – is able to tirelessly pursue their steady development into self-sustaining young adults who are independent, compassionate, and participative in their communities.


For the Independent Living Program (ILP), collaboration is one of the most strategic ways to bring about change from the young adults themselves. Virlanie Foundation believes that these young lives are at the helm of shaping their futures, and it is our role is simply help them realize it for themselves.


In April 2016, the organizers of ILP started discussing the possibility of conducting a Life Skills Series, in order to help young adults discover themselves by identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and interests. It’s important to Virlanie Foundation that these young adults grow into having a positive view of their self-image, to believe that they already are people of consequence, no matter their background, no matter their youth.

The Life Skills Series has been ongoing:


April 22 & May 13, 2016 – Self-Awareness

May 20 & 27 2016 – Interpersonal Relationships and Communication

June 10 & 18 2016 – Coping with Emotions and Stress

The young adults are looking forward to sessions on Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Goal Setting, and a lot more.


It is only through the sustained support of people like you that these young people receive these seminars to equip them for an independent life outside of Virlanie Foundation! Please continue supporting our Independent Living Program!


Independent Living Program aims to empower and support young adults to become self-sustaining and independent individuals, and through the support of the endowment fund Solidarity AccorHotels, fifty (50) young adults are being accompanied towards the road to complete independence.