



How Ready is Virlanie for the New Normal?

As new normal is becoming a trend after the pandemic, many institutions are now looking for new ways to do transactions and doing businesses. As a child-caring institution, how ready is Virlanie for this new trend that will benefit to the safety, health, and welfare of the children, and the people around working for them?

Posters like these are disseminated around Virlanie premises to remind employees that there are still ways to enjoy work. Disinfection, sanitizing, and maintaining physical distancing are among the top procedures that should be observed in this new normal way of doing work. Employees are also encouraged to dispose their trash, particularly their masks, gloves or even tissues in a good manner. These are few of the important steps we can take to avoid getting sick, and the spread of infectious diseases. Waste segregation will be strictly implemented not just for biodegradable and non-biodegradable but for possible medical wastes as well.

“For the side of the Human Resource Department, we always make sure to work closely with our Executive Management Committee so that we can create guidelines in line with the New Normal work. We have to ensure that we can create clear guidelines that will maintain our harmonious working environment,” says Junilyn Silvestre, Virlanie HR Manager.

Since the start of the Enhanced Community Quarantine, Virlanie Foundation Inc. has been supporting essential working employees like the nurse, and house parents get to work to take care of the children. Van services are provided; the Volunteer House, as most volunteers returned to their home countries, became a staff house as a temporary shelter for some employees. Hazard pay are also paid to those who report to work to give essential services.

“Virlanie respects the implemented government policies by aligning our own guidelines accordingly. We must look out for updates from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), most especially the Department of Health (DOH) during the presence of the pandemic. These are not easy measures, but we have to ensure that we can adjust to this for the safety of everyone.” She added.

Employees, particularly those who work in our Virlanie homes, remain to be respectful and courteous. They may not shake your hands, but they will certainly take a bow to greet you cheerfully. “They will put a hand on their chest and do a slight bow to greet you a hello. They’ve been doing this since the lockdown started,” says Faidah Cayongcat, Residential Pillar Manager.

Moreover, conducting physical meetings are being limited, online meetings, are frequently being practiced as this is also seen to be effective and flexible especially to those who are working from home.

What else that you need to know?

Daily office routines certainly changed a lot after the lockdown. Social Engagements are greatly affected as this is the only way most people interact with the kids. Some throw parties play games with them, or sometimes, they invite kids over for a field trip. “We are currently studying what better way people can interact with the kids effectively. For our monetary donations, it will remain flexible as people can donate to us online. They don’t need to suffer long lines in the banks or even go to our office to donate,” says Chez Ebot, Virlanie Fundraising Manager.

Moreover, digital vouchers through Lazada and Shopee are still available for people to patronize. These are also convenient ways to support Virlanie children and communities. Through these digital vouchers, you can support a child’s basic needs.

Sponsorship methods are also flexible as you can register to become a sponsor online.

If it is for the children, Virlanie will continue to adjust to these new ways to give them a safe space to live. After all, we like to give the smiles back to these children so that they can become empowered individuals someday.