



Health for All, One for Health: A Forum on Universal Health Care for Children

When: April 5, 2019; Friday

Where: Islas Pinas, Pasay City, Metro Manila

Event Program


Time Activity

1:00-1:30 PM Registration

1:35-1:40 Opening Remarks

1:40-2:00 The Universal Health Care Act

Atty. Harry Roque, Universal Healthcare Bill Proponent


2:00-2:20 State of Healthcare in the Philippines

Dr. Allan Evangelista, DOH


2:20-2:40 Importance of Psychological Healthcare

Richard Tercio, Mental Health Advocate


2:40-3:00 Holistic Healthcare for Children

Cenen Milan, Virlanie


3:00-3:10 Awarding of Certificates

3:10-3:30 Closing Remarks

Arlyne Fernandez, Virlanie


3:30-onwards Networking